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06-18 UpdateFromChartSeriesmd​

Public Sub UpdateFromChartSeries(targetSeries As series)

'this will work for the simple case where all items are references
Const FIND_STRING As String = "SERIES("
Const COMMA As String = ","
Const CLOSE_BRACKET As String = ")"

Set series = targetSeries

Dim targetForm As Variant


'pull in the formula
targetForm = targetSeries.Formula

'uppercase to remove match errors
targetForm = UCase(targetForm)

'remove the front of the formula
targetForm = Replace(targetForm, FIND_STRING, vbNullString)

'find the first foundPosition
Dim foundPosition As Long
foundPosition = InStr(targetForm, COMMA)

If foundPosition > 1 Then
'need to catch an error here if a text name is used instead of a valid range
On Error Resume Next
Set = Range(left(targetForm, foundPosition - 1))
If Err <> 0 Then pName = left(targetForm, foundPosition - 1)
On Error GoTo 0
End If

'pull out the title from that
targetForm = Mid(targetForm, foundPosition + 1)

foundPosition = InStr(targetForm, COMMA)

If foundPosition > 1 Then Set Me.XValues = Range(left(targetForm, foundPosition - 1))

targetForm = Mid(targetForm, foundPosition + 1)

foundPosition = InStr(targetForm, COMMA)
Set Me.Values = Range(left(targetForm, foundPosition - 1))
targetForm = Mid(targetForm, foundPosition + 1)

foundPosition = InStr(targetForm, CLOSE_BRACKET)
Me.SeriesNumber = left(targetForm, foundPosition - 1)

Me.ChartType = targetSeries.ChartType
End Sub